Global primary energy supply and energy sources associated with the baseline (top) and other climate policy cases in 2100 (bottom) for SSP1, SSP2 and SSP3.
Global GHG, CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions (from top to bottom) associated with the five mitigation cases for SSP1, SSP2, and SSP3.
Effects of climate change and emissions mitigation efforts on food security. a) Global population at risk of hunger and b) global mean dietary energy availability in the baseline scenario under different socio-economic scenarios (SSPs). Ribbons and error bars show the ranges across models. c, d) Changes from the baseline level due to climate change and emissions mitigation efforts under different SSPs and climate change and emissions mitigation scenarios (RCPs) in 2050. Bars shows median level of individual effect across models. Symbols show the combined effects for each model. MAgPIE is excluded due to inelastic food demand. (Hasegawa et all., 2018)
Estimated worktime ratio. Estimated yearly average worktime ratio with a resolution of 0.5° × 0.5°. When the worktime ratio is x, the recommended work-rest ratio is x/(1−x). The left-hand and center columns of panels show the values for low-intensity and moderate-intensity work, respectively, performed indoors (without air-conditioning). The right-hand column of panels shows the values for high-intensity work performed outdoors. The median values of 5 GCMs are shown.