【Peer Review】
- Hirata A, Ohashi H, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Tsuchiya K, et al. (2024). The choice of land-based climate change mitigation measures influences future global biodiversity loss. Communications Earth and Environment, 5(1): 259.
- Pereira, H. M., Martins, I. S., Rosa, I. M. D., Kim, H., Leadley, P., Popp, A., . . . Hasegawa, T. (2024). Global trends and scenarios for terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050. Science, 384(6694), 458-465.
- Hasegawa, T., Fujimori, S., Ito, A., & Takahashi, K. (2024). Careful selection of forest types in afforestation can increase carbon sequestration by 25% without compromising sustainability. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 171.
- Park, C. Y., Takahashi, K., Fujimori, S., Phung, V. L. H., Li, F., Takakura, J. y., . . . Hasegawa, T. (2024). Future fire PM2.5 mortality varies depending on climate and socioeconomic changes. Environmental Research Letters.
【Peer Review】
- Shiogama, H., Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., Hayashi, M., Hirabayashi, Y., Ogura, T., . . . Takemura, T. (2023). Important distinctiveness of SSP3–7.0 for use in impact assessments. Nature Climate Change, 13(12), 1276-1278.
- Fujimori, S., Nishiura, O., Oshiro, K., Hasegawa, T., Shiraki, H., Shiogama, H., . . . Asayama, S. (2023). Reconsidering the lower end of long-term climate scenarios. PLOS Climate, 2, e0000318.
- Xia, S., Takakura, J. y., Wu, W., Blanchard, J. L., Heneghan, R. F., Yamakawa, T., . . . Hasegawa, T. (2023). Potential environmental and nutritional benefits of replacing ruminant meat with forage fish. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 40, 265-276.
- Oda, T., Takakura, J. y., Tang, L., Iizumi, T., Itsubo, N., Ohashi, H., . . . Hasegawa, T. (2023). Total economic costs of climate change at different discount rates for market and non-market values. Environmental Research Letters, 18(8), 084026.
- Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., Oshiro, K., Zhao, S., Sasaki, K., Takakura, J., & Takahashi, K. (2023). Potential side effects of climate change mitigation on poverty and countermeasures. Sustainability Science, 18(5), 2245-2257.
- Oshiro, K., Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., Asayama, S., Shiraki, H., & Takahashi, K. (2023). Alternative, but expensive, energy transition scenario featuring carbon capture and utilization can preserve existing energy demand technologies. One Earth, 6(7), 872-883.
- Fujimori, S., Oshiro, K., Hasegawa, T., Takakura, J., & Ueda, K. (2023). Climate change mitigation costs reduction caused by socioeconomic-technological transitions. npj Climate Action, 2(1), 9.
- Park, C. Y., Takahashi, K., Li, F., Takakura, J., Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., . . . Thiery, W. (2023). Impact of climate and socioeconomic changes on fire carbon emissions in the future: Sustainable economic development might decrease future emissions. Global Environmental Change, 80, 102667.
(in Japanese)
- 島田幸司, 越智雄輝, 高橋潔, 長谷川知子, 日比野剛, 増井利彦 (2023) 気候変動緩和策評価モデルの研究動向・政策貢献と今後の展望. 環境経済・政策研究, advpub. doi:10.14927/reeps.rev1602-001
- 濱本拓希,長谷川知子,瓜本 千紗(2023) 中南米地域を対象とした農畜産業由来の温室効果ガス排出削減に関する研究,土木学会論文集, 79(27).
- 平野拳士朗,瓜本千紗,長谷川知子(2023) アジア諸国を対象とした農畜産業由来の温室効果ガス排出量削減に関する研究,土木学会論文集, 79(27).
- 近藤光, 山口陽平, 長谷川知子(2023)アジア地域の淡水需給に対する食料貿易の影響分析, 土木学会論文集, 79(27).
- 黒川和馬,長谷川知子,藤森真一郎,山﨑航我(2023) 気候変動緩和策が対流圏オゾン変化を通じて食料消費および飢餓リスク人口にもたらす影響評価, 土木学会論文集, 79(27).
- 中村彩華,越智雄輝,⻑⾕川知⼦(2023) 廃棄物部⾨の⼆酸化炭素を考慮した脱炭素社会シナリオ構築⼿法の開発と京都市への適⽤, 土木学会論文集, 79(27).
- 平原颯太郎,関沢賢,藤森真⼀郎,⼤城賢,伊藤昭仁,⻑⾕川知⼦(2023) 世界を対象とした対流圏オゾンによる植⽣の CO2 吸収量への影響評価と気候変動緩和策への含意, 土木学会論文集, 79(27).
- 丸⽥有美,藤森真⼀郎,⾼倉潤也,⼤城賢,⾼橋潔,⻑⾕川知⼦(2023) 世界を対象とした気候変動および気候変動緩和策による貧困影響の評価, 土木学会論文集, 79(27).
【Peer Review】
- Zhao, S., Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., Oshiro, K., & Sasaki, K. (2022). Poverty and inequality implications of carbon pricing under the long-term climate target. Sustainability Science. doi:10.1007/s11625-022-01206-y.
- Rose , S. K., Popp, A., Fujimori, S., Havlik, P., Weyant, J., Wise, M., . . . Hasegawa, T. (2022). Global biomass supply modeling for long-run management of the climate system. Climatic Change, 172(1), 3. doi:10.1007/s10584-022-03336-9
- Nyairo, R., Hasegawa T., Fujimori, S., Wu, W., & Takahashi, K. (2022). Socio-economic trajectories, urban area expansion and ecosystem conservation affect global potential supply of bioenergy. Biomass and Bioenergy, 159, 106426. doi:
- Fujimori, S., Wu, W., Doelman, J., Frank, S., Hristov, J., Kyle, P., . . . Hasegawa T, T. (2022). Land-based climate change mitigation measures can affect agricultural markets and food security. Nature Food, 3(2), 110-121. doi:10.1038/s43016-022-00464-4
(in Japanese)
- 藤森真一郎, 大橋春香, 越智雄輝, 長谷川知子, Buyaki, N.R., 松井哲哉, 平田晶子, 高橋潔, 土屋一彬(2022) 生態系保全のための農業・食料消費・土地利用管理システムの変革. 土木学会論文集G(環境)2022,Vol.78,No.5,I_39-I_50.
- 伊藤涼太朗、藤森真一郎、長谷川知子(2022)食内容を考慮したバイオマスエネルギーポテンシャル量の推計,土木学会論文集G(環境)2022,Vol.78,No.5,I_79-I_86.
- 小野 泰照、長谷川知子、藤森真一郎(2022)畜産物の消費制限による環境及び食料システムへの影響評価,土木学会論文集G(環境)2022,Vol.78,No.5,I_63-I_70.
- 瓜本千紗、藤森真一郎、長谷川知子 (2022) 世界を対象とした農畜産業の生産と消費段階における温室効果ガス排出削減に関する研究, 土木学会論文集G(環境)2022,Vol.78,No.5,I_463-I_471.
- 渡邉諒一,上谷明生,関沢賢,藤森真一郎,長谷川知子,大城賢(2022)世界全域を対象とした異なる水平解像度を用いた大気汚染の影響評価,土木学会論文集G(環境)2022,Vol.78,No.5,I_251-I_262.
【Peer Review】
- Riahi K, Bertram C, Huppmann D, Rogelj J, Bosetti V, Cabardos A-M,… Hasegawa T,et al. Cost and attainability of meeting stringent climate targets without overshoot. Nature Climate Change 2021, 11(12): 1063-1069.
- Janssens C, Havlík P, Krisztin T, Baker J, Frank S, Hasegawa T, et al. International trade is a key component of climate change adaptation. Nature Climate Change 2021, 11(11): 915-916
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Frank S, Humpenöder F, Bertram C, Després J, et al. Land-based implications of early climate actions without global net-negative emissions. Nature Sustainability 2021, 4(12), 1052-1059.
- Chang J, Havlík P, Leclère D, de Vries W, Valin H, Deppermann A, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Reconciling regional nitrogen boundaries with global food security. Nature Food 2021, 2(9), 700-711.
- Hasegawa T, Sakurai G, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y, Masui T. Extreme climate events increase risk of global food insecurity and adaptation needs. Nature Food 2021, 2(8), 587-595.
- Ai Z, Hanasaki N, Heck V, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S. Global bioenergy with carbon capture and storage potential is largely constrained by sustainable irrigation. Nature Sustainability 2021, 4(10), 884-891.
- Shiogama H, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Takahashi K, Kameyama Y, Emori S. How many hot days and heavy precipitation days will grandchildren experience that break the records set in their grandparents’ lives? Environmental Research Communications 2021, 3(6): 061002.
- Grassi G, Stehfest E, Rogelj J, van Vuuren D, Cescatti A, House J,..., Hasegawa T, et al. Critical adjustment of land mitigation pathways for assessing countries’ climate progress. Nature Climate Change 2021, 11(5), 425-434.
- Park CY, Takahashi K, Takakura J, Li F, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, et al. How Will Deforestation and Vegetation Degradation Affect Global Fire Activity? Earth's Future 2021, 9(5): e2020EF001786.
- Liu, J.-Y., Fujimori, S., Takahashi, K., Hasegawa, T., Wu, W., Geng, Y., . . . Masui, T. (2021). The importance of socioeconomic conditions in mitigating climate change impacts and achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Environmental Research Letters, 16(1), 014010.
- Takakura, J., Fujimori, S., Takahashi, K., Hanasaki, N., Hasegawa, T., Hirabayashi, Y., . . . Hijioka, Y. (2021). Reproducing complex simulations of economic impacts of climate change with lower-cost emulators. Geosci. Model Dev., 14(5), 3121-3140.
(in Japanese)
- 井上笑瑠、 長谷川知子、渡邉諒一、藤森真一郎、気候変動およびその対策に伴う対流圏オゾン軽減がもたらす食料消費および飢餓リスク人口への影響評価、土木学会論文集G(環境)2021,VOl.77,No.5,I_167-I_175
- 和田悠暉、長谷川知子、日米の食の変化を考慮した農畜産業由来の温室効果ガス排出削減に関する研究、土木学会論文集G(環境)2021,VOl.77,No.5,I_177-I_182
- 桑葉祐斗、長谷川知子、藤森真一郎、スィルバ エラン ディエゴ、世界における将来の土地利用変化を考慮した風力・太陽光エネルギーポテンシャル推計、土木学会論文集G(環境)2021,VOl.77,No.5,I_183-I_189
- 伊藤涼太朗、長谷川知子、藤森真一郎、花崎直太、世界を対象とした第二世代バイオマスエネルギーポテンシャル量の推計とそれに伴う水消費量・窒素肥料必要量の環境影響、土木学会論文集G(環境)2021,VOl.77,No.5,I_191-I_196
- 佐々木克哉、藤森真一郎、長谷川知子、大城賢、日本における所得階層を考慮した炭素税の家計消費への影響、土木学会論文集G(環境)2021,VOl.77,No.5,I_263-I_273
- 奥田啓太、越智雄輝、長谷川知子、五味馨、京都市を対象とした2050年二酸化炭素排出実質ゼロの姿の定量化、土木学会論文集G(環境)2021,VOl.77,No.5,I_285-I_292
【Peer Review】
- van Zeist W-J, Stehfest E, Doelman JC, Valin H, Calvin K, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, et al. Are scenario projections overly optimistic about future yield progress? Global Environmental Change 2020, 64: 102120.
- Hasegawa T, Sands RD, Brunelle T, Cui Y, Frank S, Fujimori S, et al. Food security under high bioenergy demand toward long-term climate goals. Climatic Change 2020, 163(3): 1587-1601.
- Hurtt GC, Chini L, Sahajpal R, Frolking S, Bodirsky BL, Calvin K, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Harmonization of global land use change and management for the period 850–2100 (LUH2) for CMIP6. Geosci Model Dev 2020, 13(11): 5425-5464. .
- O’Neill BC, Carter TR, Ebi K, Harrison PA, Kemp-Benedict E, Kok K, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Achievements and needs for the climate change scenario framework. Nature Climate Change 2020, 10(12): 1074-1084 .
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Oshiro K. An assessment of the potential of using carbon tax revenue to tackle poverty. Environmental Research Letters 2020, 15(11): 114063.
- Leclère D, Obersteiner M, Barrett M, Butchart SHM, Chaudhary A, De Palma A, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy. Nature 2020, 585(7826): 551-556.
- Wu W, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Oshiro K. Assessment of bioenergy potential and associated costs in Japan for the 21st century. Renewable Energy 2020, 162: 308-321.
- Hasegawa T, Sands RD, Brunelle T, Cui Y, Frank S, Fujimori S, et al. Food security under high bioenergy demand toward long-term climate goals. Climatic Change 2020, 163(3), 1587-1601.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Takahashi K, Dai H, Liu J-Y, Ohashi H, et al. Measuring the sustainable development implications of climate change mitigation. Environmental Research Letters 2020, 15(8): 085004.
- Janssens C, Havlík P, Krisztin T, Baker J, Frank S, Hasegawa T, et al. Global hunger and climate change adaptation through international trade. Nature Climate Change 2020.
- Shiogama H, Hirata R, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Ishizaki NN, Chatani S, et al. Historical and future anthropogenic warming effects on droughts, fires and fire emissions of CO2 and PM2.5 in equatorial Asia when 2015-like El Niño events occur. Earth Syst Dynam 2020, 11(2): 435-445.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Havlík P, Valin H, Bodirsky BL, Doelman JC, et al. Reply to: An appeal to cost undermines food security risks of delayed mitigation. Nature Climate Change 2020, 10(5): 420-421.
- Pereira HM, Rosa IMD, Martins IS, Kim H, Leadley P, Popp A, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Global trends in biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050. bioRxiv 2020: 2020.2004.2014.031716.
- van Meijl H, Shutes L, Valin H, Stehfest E, van Dijk M, Kuiper M, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Modelling alternative futures of global food security: Insights from FOODSECURE. Global Food Security 2020, 25: 100358.
- Zhou W, McCollum DL, Fricko O, Fujimori S, Gidden M, Guo F, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Decarbonization pathways and energy investment needs for developing Asia in line with ‘well below’ 2°C. Climate Policy 2020, 20(2): 234-245.
- Hanssen SV, Daioglou V, Steinmann ZJN, Frank S, Popp A, Brunelle T, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Biomass residues as twenty-first century bioenergy feedstock—a comparison of eight integrated assessment models. Climatic Change 2020, 163(3): 1569-1586.
- Bauer N, Rose S, Fujimori S, Vuuren D, Weyant J, Wise M, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Global energy sector emission reductions and bioenergy use: overview of the bioenergy demand phase of the EMF-33 model comparison. Climatic Change 2020, 163.
- Kim, S. E., Xie, Y., Dai, H., Fujimori, S., Hijioka, Y., Honda, Y., . . .Hasegawa, T. (2020). Air quality co-benefits from climate mitigation for human health in South Korea. Environment International, 136, 105507.
- Ai, Z., Hanasaki, N., Heck, V., Hasegawa, T., & Fujimori, S. (2020). Simulating second-generation herbaceous bioenergy crop yield using the global hydrological model H08 (v.bio1). Geosci. Model Dev., 13(12), 6077-6092.
(in Japanese)
- 関祐哉, 長谷川知子, 藤森真一郎. 世界を対象にした洪水による作物収量変化を通じた食料消費と飢餓リスクへの影響評価. 土木学会論文集G(環境)2020, VOl.76,No.5,I_89-I_95.
- 渡邉諒一, 藤森真一郎, 長谷川知子, 大城賢. 世界を対象とした対流圏オゾンの作物収量に対する影響と気候政策の副次的便宜に関する研究. 土木学会論文集G(環境)2020, Vol.76,No.5,I_129-I_140.
- 大城賢, 藤森真一郎, 長谷川知子, 明石修. アジアにおける温室効果ガス短期削減目標が2050年までのエネルギー投資に及ぼす影響. 土木学会論文集G(環境)2020, Vol.76,No.5, I_243-I_252.
- 太畑祐輔, 長谷川知子, 越智雄輝, 高橋潔. 気候変動対策による低栄養に起因する健康被害評価. 土木学会論文集G(環境)2020, Vol.76, No.5, I_433-I_439.
【Peer Review】
- Fujimori S, Oshiro K, Shiraki H, Hasegawa T. Energy transformation cost for the Japanese mid-century strategy. Nature Communications 2019, 10(1): 4737.
- Liu J-Y, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Hasegawa T, Wu W, Takakura Jy, et al. Identifying trade-offs and co-benefits of climate policies in China to align policies with SDGs and achieve the 2 °C goal. Environmental Research Letters 2019, 14(12): 124070.
- Shiogama H, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Murakami D, Takahashi K, Tanaka K, et al. Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C will lower increases in inequalities of four hazard indicators of climate change. Environmental Research Letters 2019, 14(12): 124022.
- Matsumoto K, Hasegawa T, Morita K, Fujimori S. Synergy potential between climate change mitigation and forest conservation policies in the Indonesian forest sector: implications for achieving multiple sustainable development objectives. Sustainability Science 2019, 14(6): 1657-1672.
- Shiogama H, Hirata R, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Ishizaki N, Chatani S, et al. Historical and future anthropogenic warming effects on the year 2015 droughts, fires and fire emissions of CO2 and PM2.5 in equatorial Asia. Earth Syst Dynam Discuss 2019, 2019: 1-18.
- Ohashi H, Hasegawa T, Hirata A, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Tsuyama I, et al. Biodiversity can benefit from climate stabilization despite adverse side effects of land-based mitigation. Nature Communications 2019, 10(1): 5240.
- Fitton N, Alexander P, Arnell N, Bajzelj B, Calvin K, Doelman J, …, Hasegawa T, et al. The vulnerabilities of agricultural land and food production to future water scarcity. Global Environmental Change 2019, 58: 101944.
- Takakura Jy, Fujimori S, Hanasaki N, Hasegawa T, Hirabayashi Y, Honda Y, et al. Dependence of economic impacts of climate change on anthropogenically directed pathways. Nature Climate Change 2019, 9(10): 737-741.
- Hasegawa T, Havlik P, Frank S, Palazzo A, Valin H. Tackling food consumption inequality to fight hunger without pressuring the environment. Nature Sustainability 2019, 2(9): 826-833.
- Roe S, Streck C, Obersteiner M, Frank S, Griscom B, Drouet L, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Contribution of the land sector to a 1.5 °C world. Nature Climate Change 2019, 9(11): 817-828.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Krey V, Riahi K, Bertram C, Bodirsky BL, et al. A multi-model assessment of food security implications of climate change mitigation. Nature Sustainability 2019, 2(5): 386-396.
- Gidden MJ, Riahi K, Smith SJ, Fujimori S, Luderer G, Kriegler E, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Global emissions pathways under different socioeconomic scenarios for use in CMIP6: a dataset of harmonized emissions trajectories through the end of the century. Geosci Model Dev 2019, 12(4): 1443-1475.
- Stehfest E, van Zeist W-J, Valin H, Havlik P, Popp A, Kyle P, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Key determinants of global land-use projections. Nature Communications 2019, 10(1): 2166.
- Tang L, Furushima Y, Honda Y, Hasegawa T, Itsubo N. Estimating human health damage factors related to CO2 emissions by considering updated climate-related relative risks. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2019, 24(6): 1118-1128.
- Wu W, Hasegawa T, Ohashi H, Hanasaki N, Liu J, Matsui T, et al. Global advanced bioenergy potential under environmental protection policies and societal transformation measures. GCB Bioenergy 2019, 11(9): 1041-1055.
(in Japanese)
【Peer Review】
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Havlik P, Valin H, Bodirsky BL, Doelman JC, et al. Risk of increased food insecurity under stringent global climate change mitigation policy. Nature Climate Change 2018, 8(8): 699-703.
- Rogelj J, Popp A, Calvin KV, Luderer G, Emmerling J, Gernaat D, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Scenarios towards limiting global mean temperature increase below 1.5 °C. Nature Climate Change 2018, 8(4): 325-332.
- Frank S, Beach R, Havlik P, Valin H, Herrero M, Mosnier A, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Structural change as a key component for agricultural non-CO2 mitigation efforts. Nature Communications 2018, 9(1): 1060.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Rogelj J, Su X, Havlik P, Krey V, et al. Inclusive climate change mitigation and food security policy under 1.5?°C climate goal. Environmental Research Letters 2018, 13(7): 074033.
- Liu J-Y, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Hasegawa T, Su X, Masui T. Socioeconomic factors and future challenges of the goal of limiting the increase in global average temperature to 1.5 °C. Carbon Management 2018, 9(5): 447-457.
- Park C, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Takakura Jy, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y. Avoided economic impacts of energy demand changes by 1.5 and 2°C climate stabilization. Environmental Research Letters 2018, 13(4): 045010.
- Xie Y, Dai H, Xu X, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Yi K, et al. Co-benefits of climate mitigation on air quality and human health in Asian countries. Environment International 2018, 119: 309-318.
- Kim H, Rosa IMD, Alkemade R, Leadley P, Hurtt G, Popp A, …, Hasegawa T, et al. A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios. Geosci Model Dev 2018, 11(11): 4537-4562.
- Su X, Shiogama H, Tanaka K, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Hijioka Y, et al. How do climate-related uncertainties influence 2 and 1.5 °C pathways? Sustainability Science 2018, 13: 291-299.
- Ebi KL, Hasegawa T, Hayes K, Monaghan A, Paz S, Berry P. Health risks of warming of 1.5 °C, 2 °C, and higher, above pre-industrial temperatures. Environmental Research Letters 2018, 13(6): 063007.
- Takakura Jy, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Hasegawa T, Honda Y, Hanasaki N, et al. Limited Role of Working Time Shift in Offsetting the Increasing Occupational-Health Cost of Heat Exposure. Earth's Future 2018, 6(11): 1588-1602.
- Fujimori S, Iizumi T, Hasegawa T, Takakura Jy, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y. Macroeconomic Impacts of Climate Change Driven by Changes in Crop Yields. Sustainability 2018, 10(10).
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Ito A, Takahashi K, Masui T. Gridded emissions and land-use data for 2005-2100 under diverse socioeconomic and climate mitigation scenarios. Scientific data 2018, 5: 180210-180210.
【Peer Review】
- Frank S, Havlík P, Soussana J-F, Levesque A, Valin H, Wollenberg E, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture without compromising food security? Environmental Research Letters 2017, 12(10): 105004.
- Iizumi T, Furuya J, Shen Z, Kim W, Okada M, Fujimori S, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Responses of crop yield growth to global temperature and socioeconomic changes. Scientific Reports 2017, 7(1): 7800.
- Takakura J, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Cost of preventing workplace heat-related illness through worker breaks and the benefit of climate-change mitigation. Environ Res Lett 2017, 12(6).
- Su X, Takahashi K, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Tanaka K, Kato E, et al. Emission pathways to achieve 2.0°C and 1.5°C climate targets. Earth's Future 2017, 5(6): 592-604.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Ito A, Takahashi K, Masui T. Global land-use allocation model linked to an integrated assessment model. Science of The Total Environment 2017, 580: 787-796.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Masui T, Takahashi K, Herran DS, Dai H, et al. SSP3: AIM implementation of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Global Environmental Change 2017, 42: 268-283.
- Rao S, Klimont Z, Smith SJ, Van Dingenen R, Dentener F, Bouwman L, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Future air pollution in the Shared Socio-economic Pathways. Global Environmental Change 2017, 42: 346-358.
- Popp A, Calvin K, Fujimori S, Havlik P, Humpenöder F, Stehfest E, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Land-use futures in the shared socio-economic pathways. Global Environmental Change 2017, 42: 331-345.
- Riahi K, van Vuuren DP, Kriegler E, Edmonds J, O’Neill BC, Fujimori S, …, Hasegawa T, et al. The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview. Global Environmental Change 2017, 42(Supplement C): 153-168. (pdf)
- Alexander P, Prestele R, Verburg PH, Arneth A, Baranzelli C, Batista e Silva F, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Assessing uncertainties in land cover projections. Global Change Biology 2017, 23(2): 767-781.
- Fujimori S, Abe M, Kinoshita T, Hasegawa T, Kawase H, Kushida K, et al. Downscaling Global Emissions and Its Implications Derived from Climate Model Experiments. PLOS ONE 2017, 12(1): e0169733.
(in Japanese)
- 高倉 潤也, 藤森 真一郎, 高橋 潔, 本田 靖, 長谷川 知子, 肱岡 靖明, et al. 気候変動に伴う暑熱ストレスの増大による屋外労働可能時間短縮に対する適応策の検討. 土木学会論文集G(環境) 2017, 73(6): II_283-II_291.
- 藤森 真一郎, 飯泉 仁之直, 長谷川 知子, 高倉 潤也, 高橋 潔, 肱岡 靖明, et al. 気候変化による作物収量変化を通じたマクロ経済への影響. 土木学会論文集G(環境) 2017, 73(5): I_397-I_405.
【Peer Review】
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Boer R, Immanuel G, Masui T. Land-Based Mitigation Strategies under the Mid-Term Carbon Reduction Targets in Indonesia. Sustainability 2016, 8(12): 1283.
- Fujimori S, Kubota I, Dai H, Takahashi K, Hasegawa T, Liu J-Y, et al. Will international emissions trading help achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement? Environmental Research Letters 2016, 11(10): 104001.
- Fujimori S, Su X, Liu J-Y, Hasegawa T, Takahashi K, Masui T, et al. Implication of Paris Agreement in the context of long-term climate mitigation goals. SpringerPlus 2016, 5: 1-11.
- Hasegawa T, Park C, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y, Masui T. Quantifying the economic impact of changes in energy demand for space heating and cooling systems under varying climatic scenarios. Palgrave Communications 2016, 2: 16013.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Yokohata T, Masui T. Economic implications of climate change impacts on human health through undernourishment. Climatic Change 2016(136): 189–202.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Masui T, Matsuoka Y. Introducing detailed land-based mitigation measures into a computable general equilibrium model. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016, 114: 233-242.
- Prestele R, Alexander P, Rounsevell MDA, Arneth A, Calvin K, Doelman J, ..., Hasegawa T, et al. Hotspots of uncertainty in land-use and land-cover change projections: a global-scale model comparison. Global Change Biology 2016, 22(12): 3967-3983.
(in Japanese)
【Peer Review】
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Shin Y, Tanaka A, Takahashi K, Masui T. (2015) Consequence of Climate Mitigation on the Risk of Hunger. Environmental science & technology, 49 (12), 7245-7253.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Masui T. Scenarios for the risk of hunger in the twenty-first century using Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Environmental Research Letters 2015, 10(1): 014010.
- Hasegawa T, Matsuoka Y. Climate change mitigation strategies in agriculture and land use in Indonesia. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 2015, 20(3): 409-424.
- Hak M, Hasegawa T, Matsuoka Y. An assessment of GHG emissions and mitigation potential from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land-Use in Cambodia. Journal of Global Environment Engineering 2015, 71(5): 12.
- Jilani T, Hasegawa T, Matsuoka Y. The future role of agriculture and land use change for climate change mitigation in Bangladesh. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 2015, 20(8): 1289-1304.
- Su X, Takahashi K, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Emori S, Hijioka Y, et al. Assessment of greenhouse gas emission pathways by considering a possible climate sensitivity range under different socio-economic scenarios. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser G (Environmental Research) 2015, 71(5): I_205-I_216.
(in Japanese)
- 長谷川知子, 藤森真一郎, 横畠徳太, 高橋潔, 増井利彦. 気候変化による低栄養に起因する健康影響の経済評価. 土木学会論文集G(環境) 2015, 71 (6), 23-34.
- 藤森真一郎, 長谷川知子, 増井利彦, 高橋潔, シィルバエランディエゴ, 戴瀚程, 肱岡靖明, 甲斐沼美紀子. AIMによる新社会経済シナリオSSPの定量化とそのシナリオの特徴. 土木学会論文集G(環境) 2015, 71 (6), II_217-II_228.
【Peer Review】
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Shin Y, Takahashi K, Masui T, Tanaka A. Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Assessment on Food Consumption Utilizing a New Scenario Framework. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48(1): 438-445.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Masui T, Takahashi K. Land use representation in a global CGE model for long-term simulation: CET vs. logit functions. Food Sec 2014, 6(5): 685-699.
- Ngauyen TH, Hasegawa T, Matsuoka Y. Climate change mitigation strategies in agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors in Vietnam. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 2014, 19(1): 15-32.
- Fujimori S, Kainuma M, Masui T, Hasegawa T, Dai H. The effectiveness of energy service demand reduction: A scenario analysis of global climate change mitigation. Energy Policy 2014, 75: 379-391.
- Ishida H, Kobayashi S, Kanae S, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Shin Y, et al. Global-scale projection and its sensitivity analysis of the health burden attributable to childhood undernutrition under the latest scenario framework for climate change research. Environmental Research Letters 2014, 9(6): 064014.
- Nelson GC, Valin H, Sands RD, Havlík P, Ahammad H, Deryng D, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Climate change effects on agriculture: Economic responses to biophysical shocks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2014, 111(9): 3274-3279.
- von Lampe M, Willenbockel D, Ahammad H, Blanc E, Cai Y, Calvin K, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Why do global long-term scenarios for agriculture differ? An overview of the AgMIP Global Economic Model Intercomparison. Agricultural Economics 2014, 45(1): 3-20.
- Valin H, Sands RD, van der Mensbrugghe D, Nelson GC, Ahammad H, Blanc E, …, Hasegawa T, et al. The future of food demand: understanding differences in global economic models. Agricultural Economics 2014, 45(1): 51-67. (pdf)
- Schmitz C, van Meijl H, Kyle P, Nelson GC, Fujimori S, Gurgel A, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Land-use change trajectories up to 2050: insights from a global agro-economic model comparison. Agricultural Economics 2014, 45(1): 69-84.
- Nelson GC, van der Mensbrugghe D, Ahammad H, Blanc E, Calvin K, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Agriculture and climate change in global scenarios: why don't the models agree. Agricultural Economics 2014, 45(1): 85-101.
- Lotze-Campen H, von Lampe M, Kyle P, Fujimori S, Havlik P, van Meijl H, …, Hasegawa T, et al. Impacts of increased bioenergy demand on global food markets: an AgMIP economic model intercomparison. Agricultural Economics 2014, 45(1): 103-116.
(in Japanese)
- 長谷川知子, 大沢遼平, 五味馨, 松岡譲. インドネシア温室効果ガス排出削減目標の達成可能性に関する検討:農業・土地利用変化部門. 土木学会論文集G(環境) 2014, 70 (5), I_189-I_199.
- 長谷川知子, 藤森真一郎, 高橋潔, 増井利彦. 共通社会経済シナリオSSPを用いた飢餓リスクに関する将来シナリオの開発. 土木学会論文集G(環境) 2014, 70 (5), I_1-Ⅰ_12.
- 藤森真一郎, 甲斐沼美紀子, 増井利彦, 長谷川知子, 戴瀚程. エネルギーサービス需要低減の価値: 統合評価モデルを用いた気候緩和シナリオによる定量化. 土木学会論文集G(環境) 2014, 70 (5), I_137-I_146.
- 田中朱美, 高橋潔, 増冨祐司, 花崎直太, 肱岡靖明, SU Xuanming, 長谷川知子, 藤森真一郎, 増井利彦. 温暖化政策支援モデルのための全球作物収量影響関数の開発. 生物と気象 2014, 14, 41-56
- 石田裕之, 小林翔太, 鼎信次郎, 長谷川知子, 藤森真一郎, 申龍熙, 高橋潔, 増井利彦, 田中朱美. 最新のシナリオフレームワークに基づいた将来の低栄養起因健康被害の推定. 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) 2014, 70 (4), 463-468.
【Peer Review】
(in Japanese)
- 長谷川知子, 藤森真一郎, 申龍熙, 高橋潔, 増井利彦. 気候緩和策による食料消費への影響分析. 土木学会論文集G(環境) 2013, 69 (5), I_1-I_12.
- 藤森真一郎, 長谷川知子, 増井利彦, 高橋潔 . エネルギー・農業・土地利用の長期的分析用の応用一般均衡モデル開発. 土木学会論文集G(環境) 2013, 69 (6), II_35-II_46.
【Peer Review】
- Hasegawa T, Matsuoka Y. Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation potentials in agriculture, forestry and other land use in Southeast Asia. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 2012, 9(1): 159-176.
(in Japanese)
【Peer Review】
(in Japanese)
- 長谷川知子, 松岡譲. 農畜産業由来の温室効果ガス排出量とその削減ポテンシャルの将来推計,土木学会論文集G(環境) 2011, 67, (6), p. 287- 298.
- 長谷川知子, 松岡譲. 世界を対象とした気候変化の作物単収への影響分析,土木学会論文集G(環境)2011, 67, (5), p. 71- 79.
【Peer Review】
【Peer Review】
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Matsuoka Y. A study on emission accounting system of global agricultural activities. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2009, 6(24): 242018.
- Hanaoka T, Akashi O, Hasegawa T, Hibino G, Fujiwara K, Kanamori Y, et al. Global emissions and mitigation of greenhouse gases in 2020. Journal of Global Environment Engineering 2009, 14: 15-26.
【Peer Review】
(in Japanese)
- 長谷川知子, 松岡譲. 将来の食料生産に由来するCH4とN2Oの排出量に関する研究, 地球環境研究論文集 2008, Vol .16, p. 155-164.
- 長谷川知子, 松岡譲. 農畜産業由来のCH4とN2Oの排出量とその削減ポテンシャルの将来推計,環境システム研究論文集 2008,Vol. 36, p.49-58.
【Peer Review】
(in Japanese)
Book chapters
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Masui T. (2017) AIM/CGE V2.0: Basic Feature of the Model. In: Fujimori S, Kainuma M, Masui T.ed, Post-2020 Climate Action: Global and Asian Perspective, Springer, 305-328.
- Fujimori S, Siagian U. W. R, Hasegawa T, Yuwono B. B, Boer R , Immanuel G., Masui T. (2017) An Assessment of Indonesia's Intended Nationally Determined Contributions. In: Fujimori S, Kainuma M, Masui T.ed, Post-2020 Climate Action: Global and Asian Perspective, Springer, 125-142.
- Fujimori S, Kubota I, Dai H, Takahashi K, Hasegawa T, Liu C, Hijioka Y, Masui T. Takimi M. (2017) The Effectiveness of the International Emissions Trading under the Paris Agreement. In: Fujimori S, Kainuma M, Masui T.ed, Post-2020 Climate Action: Global and Asian Perspective, Springer, 65-75.
- Fujimori S, Su X, Liu J, Hasegawa T, Takahashi K, Masui T, Takimi M. (2017) Implications of the Paris Agreement in the Context of Long-Term Climate Mitigation Goals. In: Fujimori S, Kainuma M, Masui T.ed, Post-2020 Climate Action: Global and Asian Perspective, Springer, 11-29.
- Ahammad H, Heyhoe E, Nelson G, Sands R, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, van ver Mensbrugghe D, Blanc E, Havlik P, Valin H, Kyle P, Mason d’Croz D, van Meijl H, Schmitz C, Lotze-Campen H, von Lampe M, Tabeau A. (2015) The role of international trade under a changing climate: Insights from global economic modelling. In: Elbehr A.eds., Climate change and food systems: global assessments and implications for food security and trade, Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 294-309
- Fujimori S, Oshiro K, Hasegawa T, Shiraki H, Takakura J, Takahashi K, Climate change cost decomposition, IAMC 15th annual meeting, College Park, MD, USA, November 29th -December 1st,2022.
- Oshiro K, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Asayama S, Shiraki H, Takahashi K, The potential of carbon capture and utilization for global net-zero emission energy systems, IAMC 15th annual meeting, College Park, MD, USA, November 29th -December 1st,2022.
- Zhao S, Fujimori S, Ken OSHIRO, Hasegawa T, Sasaki K, Household energy security under stringent climate change mitigation to achieve the long-term temperature goal of the PA, IAMC 15th annual meeting, College Park, MD, USA, November 29th -December 1st,2022.
- Hasegawa T, Extreme climate events increase risk of global food insecurity and adaptation needs, The 28th AIM International Workshop, National Institute for Environmental Studies (Online), September 13th-14th, 2022
- Hirata A, Ohashi H, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Matsui T, Biodiversity implications of large-scale bioenergy and afforestation implementation, The 28th AIM International Workshop, National Institute for Environmental Studies (Online), September 13th-14th, 2022
- Hasegawa T, Havlík P, Frank S, Palazzo A, Valin H, Tackling food consumption inequality to fight hunger without pressuring the environment, The 25th AIM international workshop.
- Wu W, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Ochi Y, Climate change and mitigation impacts on human health through undernourishment, AgMIP Global Economics Team Meeting, Potsudam, Germany, January 22th-24th, 2020.
- Wu W, Hasegawa T, Ohashi H, Hanaski N, Liu J, Matsui T, Fujimori S, Masui T, Takahashi K. (2019)Global advanced bioenergy potential under environmental protection policies and societal transformation measures. Workshop on Global Modelling of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
- Hasegawa T, Havlik P, Fujimori S, Valine H. (2018) Multiple economic modelling analysis of climate change and mitigation impacts on food security. AgMIP global & regional economics groups joint workshop.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Havlik P, Bodirsky B, Doelman J, Fellmann T, Kyle P, Koopman J, Lotze-Campen H, Mason-DCroz D, Ochi Y, Perez-Dominguez I, Stehfest E, Sulser T.B, Tabeau A, Takahashi K, Takakura J, Van Meijl H, Van Zeist W.J, Wiebe K.D, Witzke P, Valin H. (2017) Food security under the stringent climate mitigation: insights from a multi-model approach. Tenth Annual Meeting of the IAMC 2017.
- Hasegawa T, Ohashi H, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Masui T. (2017) Land use in AIM-Health-CGE: global food, agriculture and land use in AIM. The Food and Land-Use Coalition Work Stream 1: Food Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land and Energy (FABLE) Pathways First meeting of the country teams.
- Hasegawa T, Havlik P, Fujimori S, Valin H, Fellmann T, Kyle P, Lotze-Campen H, Mason-D, Ochi Y, Perez-Dominguez I, Stehfest E, Takakura J, van Meijl H. (2017) Climate mitigation effects on food security: multi global economic modelling comparison. Impacts World 2017.
- Hasegawa T, Sakurai G, Fujimori S.(International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), Takahashi K, Hijioka Y, Masui T. (2017) Global food insecurity under climate volatility. Impacts World 2017.
- Hasegawa T, Takakura J, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Yokohata T, Masui T, Hijioka Y, Honda Y. (2017) Avoid climate change impacts on human health through undernourishment in the context of the Paris Agreement. Impacts World 2017.
- Hasegawa T, Ohashi H, Fujimori S, Matsui T, Takahashi K. (2017) Collaborative work between biodiversity impact assessment model and AIM. Workshop on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenarios for IPBES using the Shared Socio‐economic Pathways.
- Hasegawa T, Havilik P, Fujimori S, Ochi Y. (2017) Using Food Security Indicators Climate mitigation effects on food security: multi global economic modelling comparison. Coordinated Global and Regional Assessment Workshop +1.5/+2.0 °C Worlds and Beyond.
- Hasegawa T, Brunelle T, Cui Y, Frank S, Fujimori S. (2017) Biomass and Food security. EMF33.5 Working Group Meeting Global Bio-Energy Policy Scenario.
- Takakura J, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Honda Y, Hasegawa T, Hijioka Y, Masui T. (2017) Economic assessment of effectiveness of shifting working time to offset the impact of labor capacity reduction due to climate change. Tenth Annual Meeting of the IAMC 2017.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Krey V, Keywan R, Bodirsky B.L, Bosetti V, Callen J, Despres J, Doelman J, Drouet L, Emmerling J, Frank S, Fricko O, Humpenoder F, Havlik P, Meijl H, Ochi Y, Popp A, Schmitz A, Takahashi K, Vuuren D. (2017) A multi‐model assessment of food security implications of well below 2°C scenarios. Tenth Annual Meeting of the IAMC 2017, 1-30
- Takakura J, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Honda Y, Hasegawa T, Hijioka Y, Masui T. (2017) Can human biologically adapt to the forthcoming climate change? From the viewpoint of workable hours under thermal stresses. 17th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Abstracts, 187
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T. (2017) AIM modeling and recent on-going research activities. FEEM Research Seminar.
- Fujimori S, Iizumi T, Hasegawa T, Takakura J, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y. (2017) Macroeconomic impacts of climate change associated with changes in crop yields. Impacts World 2017.
- Fujimori S, Takakura J, Hasegawa T, Hanasaki N, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y. (2017) Climate change cost: A CGE bottom-up approach MiLAiProject. Impact World 2017.
- Takakura J, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Honda Y, Hasegawa T, Hijioka Y, Masui T. (2017) Adaptation difficulties in keeping labor capacity under the climate change. Impacts World 2017.
- Liu J, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Hasegawa T, Su X, Masui T. (2017) Socio-economic factors and future challenges of the 1.5℃ goal. 2nd Global Conference on Theory and Applications of OR/OM for Sustainability.
- Fujimori S, Su X, Liu J, Hasegawa T, Takahashi K, Masui T, Kainuma M, Takimi M. (2017) Paris agreement, Japan policy and Inter-model comparison. Workshop on Assessing the linkages between energy modeling finance and integrated assessment.
- Fujimori S, Takakura J, Hasegawa S, Hanasaki N, Iizunmi T, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y. (2017) Strategic Research on Global Mitigation and Local Adaptation to Climate change MiLAi Project. Workshop on Modeling Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems Dynamics.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T. (2017) Food security. 4th CD-LINKS Project Meeting.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Ochi Y. (2016) Food security: multi-model comparison preliminary analysis. AgMIP economic modeling group meeting.
- Hasegawa T, Takakura J, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Masui T, Hijioka Y, Honda Y. (2016) Economic impact assessment of climate change impacts on human health using AIM/CGE: undernourishment and labor productivity. Assessment of human health impacts from climate change – steps forward, 11 November 2016, JRC Seville, Spain.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Ochi Y. (2016) Food security: multi‐model comparison preliminary analysis. AgMIP6 Global workshop.
- Fujimori S, Kubota I, Dai H, Takahashi K, Hasegawa T, Liu J, Hijioka Y, Masui T, Takimi M. (2016) Will International Emissions Trading Help Achieve the Objectives of the Paris Agreement?. Ninth Annual Meeting of the IAMC 2016.
- Park C, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takakura J, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y, Masui T. (2016) Economic implications of limiting global temperature at 1.5 °C: the case of building energy use. Ninth Annual Meeting of the IAMC 2016.
- Takakura J, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y, Hasegawa T, Honda Y, Masui T. (2016) Economic cost of workplace heatstroke prevention by following recommended work/rest cycles. Ninth Annual Meeting of the IAMC 2016.
- Takahashi K, Fujimori S, Hanasaki N, Hasegawa T, Hijioka Y, Masui T, Park C, Tanaka A, Zhou Q. (2016) IAM-IAV-ESM linkage in AIM project - Focusing spatial resolution issues -. Snowmass Workshops: Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Shin Y, Tanaka A, Takahashi K, Masui T. (2016) Consequence of Climate Mitigation on the Risk of Hunger. CESM 2016 Winter Working Group Meetings.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Yokohata T, Masui T. (2015) Economic implications of climate change on human health through undernourishment. IAMC meeting 2015.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Masui T, Matsuoka Y, Introducing detailed land-based mitigation technologies into a CGE model, The 18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Masui T, Matsuoka Y. (2015) Introduction to AFOLU model and its application. The advancement and enhancement on Low Carbon Development Researches and Policies among Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar.
- Park C, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y, Masui T. (2015) Economic consequences of climate-induced changes in the energy demand for heating and cooling. IAMC meeting 2015.
- Fujimori S, Ron Sands, Hasegawa T. (2015) EMF33 bioenergy supply scenario CGE implementation issues: FARM and AIM approaches. EMF 33 meeting.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Masui T, Takahashi K, Land use representation in a global CGE model for long-term simulation: CET vs. logit functions. The 18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Takahashi K, Masui T. (2015) How to construct the SSPs? - the AIM example. 5th AgMIP Global Meeting.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Masui T, Matsuoka Y. (2014) Introducing detailed land-based mitigation technologies into a CGE model: Application to Indonesia. Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet) 3rd Annual Meeting.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Masui T. (2014) Bioenergy Study Report AIM modeling team. EMF30.2 Working Group Meeting , Non-Kyoto Forcing, Bio-Energy, Land use & Air Quality Considerations in Lobal Energy and Climate Policy Scenarios.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Masui T. (2014) Scenarios for the risk of hunger in the 21st century using Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. The 7th IAMC Annual meeting.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Shin Y, Takahashi K, Masui T, Tanaka A. (2014) Climate change impact and adaptation assessment on food consumption and risk of hunger. 14th Japanese-American Frontiers of Science (JAFoS) Symposium, Tokyo, Japan.
- Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Masui T. (2014) EMF30 SLCF‐AQ AIM/CGE implementation. EMF30.2 Working Group Meeting, Non-Kyoto Forcing, Bio-Energy, Land use & Air Quality Considerations in Global Energy and Climate Policy Scenarios.
- Su X, Takahashi K, Masui T, Hanasaki N, Hijioka Y, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Tanaka A. (2014) A review of economic modeling of climate change impacts and adaptation in global Integrated Assessment Models. 3rd International Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2014.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Shin Y, Takahashi K, Masui T. and Tanaka A. (2013) The Consequence of Climate Mitigation on Food Security, The Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) 6th Annual Meeting.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Yonghee S, Takahashi K, Masui T. (2013) Global Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Food Systems. Impacts World 2013: International Conference on Climate Change Effects, Abstracts.
- Schmitz C, van Meijl H, Kyle P, Fujimori S, Gurgel A, Havlik P, Mason d, Popp A, Sands R, Tabeau A, van der Mensbrugghe D, Von Lampe M, Wise M, Blanc E, Hasegawa T, Valin H. (2013) An agro-economic model comparison of cropland change until 2050. 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Abstracts.
- Fujimori S, H. Lotze-Campen, von Lampe M, Kyle P, Havlik P, Meijl H.V, Hasegawa T. (2013) Impacts of increased bioenergy demand on global food markets: an AgMIP economic model intercomparison. 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis.
- Hasegawa T, Matsuoka Y. (2012) GHG Emissions and Mitigation potentials in Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sectors in Indonesia. The 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference.
- Fujimori S, Hanasaki N, Hasegawa T, Masui T, Kainuma M, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y. (2012) SSPs and industrial water by AIM modeling team. Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment (CCI/IA) Workshop XVIII.
- Fujimori S, Masui T, Hasegawa T, Hanasaki N, Kainuma M, Takahashi K, Hijioka Y. (2012) An example of SSP usage by AIM. Netherlands Meeting on New Socioeconomic Pathways for Climate Change Research.
- Gomi K, Hasegawa T, Ho C. S, Matsuoka Y. (2012) Developing tools for low-carbon society scenarios in a developing country: a case study in Malaysia. 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference.
- Nguyen T. H, Hasegawa T, Matsuoka Y. (2012) Mitigation potential in Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sectors towards sustainable agricultural growth in Vietnam. 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference.
- Hasegawa T, Matsuoka Y. (2011) Carbon Emissions and Mitigation Potentials from Land-use Change in Southeast Asian countries. 17th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Abstracts of 17th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, 463-464.
- Hasegawa T. Matsuoka Y. (2011) Non-CO2 emissions and reduction potentials from AFOLU in Asia, the 6th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG6).
- Hasegawa T. (2010) Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Potentials by Agriculture Activity, 15th AIM International Workshop.
- Nakao M, Nabeshima M, Nishioka M, Hasegawa T. (2010) Continuous Moving Measurement Method of Urban Environment, Passive & Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment (PALENC).
- Hasegawa T, Matsuoka Y. (2009) Global Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Reduction Potentials in Agriculture, the 5th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG5).
- Hasegawa T. (2009) GHG Emissions and Mitigation Potentials in Agriculture, 14th AIM International Workshop,GHG Emissions and Mitigation Potentials in Agriculture.
- Nakao M, Nabeshima M, Mizuno M, Nishioka M, Hasegawa T. (2009) Continuous Moving Measurement Method for Thermal Environmental Distributions in Streets, the Second International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (SICCUHI), Berkeley, California.
- Hasegawa T, Nakao M, Nabeshima M, Nishioka M. (2006) Mobile Measurement Method to Grasp Environmental Thermal Distribution In Urban Area,the 6th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC6), pp.677-680.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Ito A, Takahashi K, Carbon Sequestration Potential of Afforestation ensuring Ecosystem Conservation and Food Security, IAMC 15th annual meeting, College Park, MD, USA, November 29th -December 1st,2022.
- Xia S, Takakura J, Wu W, Blanchard JL, Heneghan RF, Tsuchiya K, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Takahashi K, Potential environmental and nutritional benefits of replacing ruminant meat with forage fish, IAMC 15th annual meeting, College Park, MD, USA, November 29th -December 1st,2022.
- Zhao S, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Oshiro K, Sasaki K, Household Energy Security under Stringent Climate Change Mitigation, The 30th Global Environment Symposium, Hokkaido, August 31st -September 2nd,2022.
- Zhao S, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Oshiro K, Sasaki K, Household Energy Security under Stringent Climate Change Mitigation, 44th The Association of Environmental & Sanitary Engineering Research Kyoto University, July 29th-30 th ,2022.
Invited Lectures
- Tomoko Hasegawa, How does climate change affect pathways for inclusive ruraltransformation? Inputs from food, land and poverty perspectives, Shaping priorities for investment in resilient, inclusive rural transformation (RITI) Expert Consultation, FAO Rome, 1st March, 2023.
- Tomoko Hasegawa, How do we reconcile a long-term climate goal and sustainable development?,2022 ECOSOC High-level Segment, United Nations Headquarters, New York, July 18th 2022.
- Hasegawa T. (2021), How do we reconcile a long-term climate goal and sustainable development?, SDGs Symposium 2021: Springer Nature and The University of Tokyo, Zoom Webinar, 26th March, 2021.
- Hasegawa T, Fujimori S. (2017) Food security under climate mitigation. International Workshop on Measuring Progresses towards the 2030 Agenda: an Updated Assessment, Milan, December 2017.
- Masui T, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Takahashi K, Hanasaki N, Kainuma M. (2013) Next Generation Scenarios for Climate Assessment, the SSPs. 36th Annual IAEE International Conference.
- Gidden, M. J., Roe, S., Ganti, G., Gasser, T., Hasegawa, T., Lamb, W. F., Ochi, Y., Strefler, J., Vaughan, N. E. Chapter 8: Paris-consistent CDR scenarios. in The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal 2024 – 2nd Edition (eds. Smith, S. M. et al.).
- Ohashi H, Hasegawa T, Global trends in biodiversity (BES-SIM AIM), version 2 [German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), 2023]
- Byers, E., Krey, V., Kriegler, E., Riahi, K., Schaeffer, R., Kikstra, J., Lamboll, R., Nicholls, Z., Sandstad, M., Smith, C., van der Wijst, K., Al -Khourdajie, A., Lecocq, F., Portugal-Pereira, J., Saheb, Y., Stromman, A., Winkler, H., Auer, C., Brutschin, E., … Hasegawa, T. (2022). AR6 Scenarios Database [Data set]. Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (1.1). Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium & International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
- Valin H, Hertel T, Bodirsky BL, Hasegawa T, Stehfest E, Achieving Zero Hunger by 2030 – A Review of Quantitative Assessments of Synergies and Tradeoffs amongst the UN Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021.
- O’Neill BC, Conde C, Ebi K, Friedlingstein P, Fuglestvedt F, Hasegawa T, Kok K, Kriegler E, Monteith S, Pichs-Madruga R, Preston B, Sillman J, van Ruijven B, van Vuuren D , Forum on Senarios of Climate and Social Futures: Meeting Report 2019.
- Hasegawa T. An estimation method for the emission accounting table of global agricultural activities. Interim Report; 2009: International Institute for Applied and Systems Analysis (IIASA). 2009.
- Hanaoka T, Akashi O, Kanamori Y, Hasegawa T, Hibino G, Fujiwara K, Kainuma M, Matsuoka Y, Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Potentials and Mitigation Costs in 2020 -Methodology and Results, CGER-REPORT, ISSN 1341-4356, 2008.
- Hanaoka T, Akashi O, Kanamori Y, Ikegami T, Kainuma M, Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, Matsuoka Y, Hibino G, Fujiwara K, Motoki Y, Global Greenhouse Gas Technological Mitigation Potentials and Costs in 2020 -The Revised Edition-, AIM Project Technical Paper, 2008.
- The Women's Challenge Award in the Special Category, Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 2024
- The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Awards for Science and Technology (Research Category), 2024
- The 5th Brilliant Female Researchers Award (The Jun Ashida Award), Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2023
- JSCE GEE Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2023
- JSCE Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2023
- JSCE GEE Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2022
- Highly Cited Researchers 2021, Clarivate Analytics
- JSCE GEE Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2021
- JSCE Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2021
- The MEXT Young Scientists' Prize, 2021
- Highly Cited Researchers 2020, Clarivate Analytics
- Highly Cited Researchers 2019, Clarivate Analytics
- Best Paper Award, The Second Global Conference on Theory and Applications of OR/OM for Sustainability, 2017
- JSCE Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2016
- JSCE Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2015
- JSCE GEE Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2014
- JSCE GEE Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2009
- Award, International Association for Urban Climate, 2006
Press Release
- Total economic costs of climate change at different discount rates for market and non-market values, 2023
- The cost of climate change: 2°C global warming target is not economically reasonable unless we make major changes, 2023
- Land-based implications of early climate actions without global net-negative emissions,2021
- Balancing food security and nitrogen use, 2021
- Global BECCS potential is largely constrained by sustainable irrigation, 2021
- Weighing up trade-offs between food security and climate mitigation, 2019